Continued Education Holistic Studies
Many CEU’S students are licensed professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of the body, satisfy continuing education requirements or strengthen their position in the holistic health industry by expanding the modalities they can offer to clients.Other students just want to change career and are new to the field.
"Juliana has an amazing teaching style that helps to instill confidence and self-worth. Her comforting attitude makes you feel like a friend. Class time flies by, yet I am always surprised by how much I learn."
CEUs - Classes Description
Our CEU’S classes are full of fun, knowledge and hands on practice from the best spa treatments to products. Our classes offer a holistic overview providing a variety of holistic therapies into their practice for effective healing and therapy.
Our main focus is to teach each practitioner a wellness approach and how to decide the best treatment for their clients, respecting and meeting where their clients are in life to best support and guide their healing journey.
After taking some of our classes and workshops, students will be qualified to work in luxurious resorts, day spas, sports clubs, medical offices, Chiropractic/wellness centers as employees, independent contractors or their own private practices.
Schedule of Upcoming Classes
Click below to access our schedule of classes for 2018.
Continued Education Classes and Workshops
For more info about classes, Contact Us
Reflexology: Hand and Foot - 16 Hours
Learn the basic fundamentals of reflexology also known as "Zone Therapy" and how the feet and hands are a reflection of the whole body.
The students will observe, palpate and learn the dorsal, medial, lateral and plantar surfaces of the body in relation to the specific organs and glands of the body.
They will learn the four basic reflexology strokes along with its benefits, contradications and history.

Chakra Healing: Mind, Body, Spirit - 12 Hours
Chakra Healing is designed to allow students the unique opportunity to develop inner and outer awareness of the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, ego and soul essence of the seven basic chakra energy centers of the body.
Students are empowered to evaluate intuitively personal balances and imbalances within themselves and to begin feeling more confident evaluating others.
Healing with Crystals & Essential Oils - 14 Hours
Learn the basics of working with crystals and essential oils. Learn how to facilitate a client's healing during a bodywork session.
Students learn the basics of working with crystals and therapeutic grade essential oils in bodywork sessions. They discover how powerful crystalline energy in conjunction with therapeutic grade essential oils can be in body work. They experience the energy of crystals and the increased energy of crystals with oils. They discover how this experience can provide a powerful catalyst to facilitate client's healing aspects of their being.

Parasympathetic Massage - 32 Hours
Note: Required for Massage Tech. & Trainee
This deeply relaxing style uses slow, flowing strokes to induce the client into the alpha state where the body’s own healing powers are most accessible.
Activating the Parasympathetic nervous system allows the body to rejuvenate and restore its balance, while it assists the lymphatic system to cleanse the metabolic waste that accumulates in the muscle tissues.
This is a very soothing, painless, relaxing and therapeutic massage.
Hot Stone Therapy - 24 Hours
This is a very soothing, painless, relaxing and therapeutic massage.
This course introduces to the student the specialized use of hot stones in massaging the body, providing a nurturing and enhanced therapeutic effect. This technique is an effective way to alleviate stress and tension and create a positive energy flow in the body.
The application of heat not only increases the feeling of well-being, but also enables the therapist to work more deeply and effectively.
The student will have the knowledge and skills to perform a full-body basic hot stone massage. : This course also introduces to the student the advanced concepts and techniques with the use of hot stones in bodywork. Included will be discussions in the use of cold as well as hot stones, advanced massage strokes, the use of stones for specific conditions, the addition of aromatherapy and crystals, energetic and spiritual aspects of the stones, and how to incorporate stones in to various other bodywork modalities.
This course includes lecture, demonstration and a lot of hands-on experience.

Aromatherapy - 24 Hours
Learn aromatherapy's history, distillation techniques, buying and storing of essential oils, proper dilution percentages, precautions and safety issues. Learn how carrier oils work synergistically with essential oils. Conduct an aromatherapy intake consultation. Understand labeling terms such as, pure, natural, grade A and therapeutic grade. Learn the various schools or theories about the application methodologies of essential oils. This six week class will be lecture and hands-on. The weekly hands-on sessions will help one to fully experience the various balancing and healing modalities. Experience the effects of organic therapeutic grade essential oils and how they affect the body, mind and spirit. You will have hands-on session into healing with crystals and essential oils. This will be a detailed overview of aromatherapy. The hands-on sessions are an aromatic journey demonstrating the practical aspects of aromatherapy.

Hydrotherapy - 12 Hours

Prerequisite: Massage Trainee
Note: Required for the HHP.
In this course the student will discover the power of water and the important roll it plays in the body’s healing process.
Discussion includes the principles and the practice of hydrotherapy in achieving a state of health, vitality and well being in the body and the mind.
A variety of Techniques will be presented that can be used in a spa or a less formal setting. Class consists of lecture, and hands-on practice that includes contrast baths with additives, cry therapy, herbal fomentation and dry skin brushing with an aroma aloe body Mask. Information required for the National Exam will be covered.

Body Reading - 12 Hours
Note: Required for Zen-Touch Technician, MP, HHP and Whole Foods Nutrition Counselor.
Gain skills in understanding practical application of Yin/Yang and the 5 elements applied to body language, birth dates, facial, palm and behavioral characteristics.
The integration of these ancient systems in a modern day application will provide the holistic and massage practitioner practical methods to forecast and apply appropriate therapy for clients.
Healing the Hara - 16 Hours
This class teaches practical skills for practitioners of any style of Bodywork.
Participants will learn to incorporate abdominal massage and Health assessment skills into their practice.
Students will learn to assess and facilitate healing through the internal organs and energetic centers found in the Hara/Abdomen.

Spa Techniques - Muds & Scrubs - 18 Hours
A comprehensive 18-hour spa course designed to give the student an understanding of the background and nature of the spa industry, the benefits of spa treatments and a lot of hands-on experience performing a variety of spa techniques.
Treatments covered will be body exfoliations, body wraps, dry skin brushing, cellulite massage and cellulite paraffin, scalp treatments, hand and foot treatments and others. Skin anatomy and physiology will be covered, as well as product and equipment sources and information and practice on making your own spa body products. Lecture, demonstration, hands-on experience and handouts are included. Supply fees to be 25.00 per student, which includes products, handouts and a take-home body brush.
SPA Techiniques level I, II, II also available
Meditational Healing - 12 Hours
With gentle and compassionate guidance, you will learn more about your inner power to set a positive intent to live a healthy and balanced life. Contact the “Healer Energy” within you and experience healing on all levels: spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, ego and soul.
Topics to be discussed and explored are: the different types of meditation, clairvoyance, the seven basic chakras unveiled and the transpersonal chakras, releasing the ego, stress, pain, mind clutter, letting go of control, the present moment. Through consistent practice higher states of consciousness will be experienced: focus, clarity, peace- awareness. We will cleanse and clear inwardly and learn techniques to clear our worldly environments as well.

5 Stars SPA Standards - 12 Hours
All the keys and secrets from all the best resorts in the world, (Forbes training). It is a fun class , we play real scenarios with clients that want to change Treatments on the last minute to more sophisticated treatments.
This class will be teaching the code of conduct that must be adhered to a 5 star Spa Resort or any other Resort/ Spa. Learn professional Language how to give a 5 star treatment to your clients, from a simple standard of how to set up the massage table to what to say and not say to your clients.